Frequently Asked Questions
What if the schools we are looking to apply to are “test optional?”
At Testing Solutions, we offer more than just test prep. We are also college counselors (Members of IECA). That means our experience is with the college application/admissions process as a whole. Test optional is different than “test blind”. When a school describes itself as test optional, they will still review test scores that are submitted and good scores will still help your chances of admission. Not submitting scores with a weaker application will substantially lower your chances of admission. Just as submitting test scores may be “optional”, a college sending an acceptance letter is optional too! Also keep in mind that a lot of merit-based aid money is still tied to test scores. Even if you get accepted without submitting test scores, you may be very disappointed when the aid letter comes if you did not submit your scores and it is too late.
What kind of statistics can you provide regarding your success rate?
We don’t keep statistics on our students for a couple reasons. While it is true that numbers don’t lie, they also don’t always tell the whole truth. This is especially true if the person trying to sell you something is coming up with those numbers. Adding 5 points to an 18 on the ACT is totally different than adding 5 points to a 28. Statistics sound great in marketing but hold little actual meaning for something as varied and individual as test prep. That is especially true when you are relying on that company to provide its own success rates. The other issue with average improvement stats is how much a student improves is dependent in large part on the effort they put in. One of the advantages to not requiring a certain number of hours is that on the rare occasion we have student who are not putting in the effort, we talk to the parents to decide if they wish to continue spending the money for a student who is unwilling to actively participate. Instead of providing generic statistics, we usually see if the parents or students know people who have used us so they can ask them about their experience working with me or my tutors. We are always willing to provide people with references as well. We also believe that there needs to be a fit between student and teacher. The most capable tutor is ineffective if they cannot connect and relate to the student.
What type of gains are typical?
Typical gains for our students range from 3-11 points. Again, we will provide the student all the tools and support to maximize their natural abilities. The students who are most involved, take practice tests, take good notes and ask questions outside of tutoring are the ones who make the biggest gains. Nobody provides students a more in depth tutoring experience than we do but the student’s effort is always the key to results.
How does Jesse stay on top of changes to the tests?
Jesse actually takes each test multiple times each year to see what content is new to ensure that each client receives the best guidance possible.
Why choose Testing Solutions?
There are a lot of test prep services available and it is important to find a fit between the student and tutor to achieve excellent results. I do not want to be the tutor for everyone, I want to be the tutor for students who actively want to improve their scores and work in a relaxed and fun environment. I have the knowledge, skills and ability to relate and communicate to students of all backgrounds and abilities. Regardless of a student’s starting point or goals, I provide them the best tools possible to maximize their potential. I built Testing Solutions from the ground up by truly caring about my students and their success. My favorite days of the year are when test results come back and my phone starts lighting up with screenshots of scores and celebration emojis.
I could change our business model and try to be the biggest tutoring company or do group classes and try and make the most money but that is not our goal. I am in business to achieve the best outcomes for our clients. I work with over 200 students a year, all of whom come to us through word of mouth. When our clients put in the work, we achieve exceptional outcomes. Investing a few hundred dollars with us can save you tens of thousands of dollars in college tuition and broaden the scope of possible college acceptances.
I would also say choosing Testing Solutions gets you access to our college counseling services, Collegiate Blueprint. The more people in your child’s life who know them and also know strategies to get them where they want to go, the better. So as I get to know your student through tutoring, and understand their goals and schedule, college counseling is a logical next step.